Interim President Dr. Francisco Solis Issues Statement on Safety at San Antonio College

July 25, 2022

Office of Marketing & Strategic Communications

Interim President Dr. Francisco Solis sent an email to the San Antonio College community regarding the arrest of a 20-year-old-man who was charged with making terroristic threats against the SAC campus on Instagram.

In his message, Dr. Solis reiterated that safety at the college remains the first priority.

“We take threats of this kind very seriously and, in light of this incident, we are taking extra security precautions,” said Dr. Solis. “Starting immediately, Alamo Colleges Police Department will deploy more officers on our campus and increase foot, bike and mobile patrols around the clock.”

He added that we all need to look out for each other. “As always, we ask that if you see something, say something.  Report suspicious activity by calling 210-485-0911 and using the 5Ws of who, what, when where and why.”

Solis ended his message by advising students, faculty, and staff who would like to be connected with counseling services to call the Student Advocacy Center at 210-486-1111.

The Alamo Colleges District released this statement on the threat:

On Friday, July 22, a man accused of making terroristic threats against SAC was arrested. The man who was arrested is not currently a student and has never been a student at SAC or any of our Alamo Colleges.

Threats of violence are dangerous and must be resolutely addressed. These acts hold no place at any of our campuses.

The Alamo Colleges District thanks the swift work from the FBI, the San Antonio Police Department and our Alamo Colleges District Police Department, who aided in this case and arrest.

The Alamo Colleges remain vigilant for any online threats. We take these threats seriously and work with our local, state and federal partners to mitigate any threats and hold those accountable who engage in making them.

We would like to take this opportunity to remind individuals that public safety and security is everyone’s responsibility.

Safety will always remain a top priority for the Alamo Colleges District. The Alamo Colleges District Police Department plans on increasing patrols and presence across our campuses and will continue to work with law enforcement partners.

The Alamo Colleges is committed to creating welcoming and safe campuses for its faculty, staff and students.

Please contact the Alamo Colleges Police Department with any questions or concerns.

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District Offices Non-Emergency:
